The simplest & most accurate course successful restaurants use to know the profitability of every menu item, ALWAYS!

Hurry! Grab the Early Bird Price TODAY!

The ONLY Menu Profitability Course That You Will Ever Need

This course will provide you with the knowledge and insights that you will need to drive more profitable growth to your restaurant business. 


Its goal is not only to help you learn how to use the MPS app in the most efficient way possible, but also to direct your focus and attention to the main driver of your restaurant’s success -- the price and profitability of every item on your menus.


This Course Helps You Take Your Business From
"Survive" to "Thrive"

This course aims to help you solve the main issues being faced by every staff member in your restaurant (waiter, chef, CFO, owner, and food & beverage manager) and turn your struggles and challenges into new, exciting opportunities for growth and success.

Why Should You Take the Menu Profit Solution Course?


By taking the Menu Profit Solution Course, you will be able to:

  • See the true costs of every menu item down to the plate & cocktail level. 

  • Provide your staff with comprehensive knowledge and training to correctly enter inputs and take correct actions to ensure profitability.

  • Set proper systems in place to allow you to effectively monitor all areas of your menu, as well as promote accountability and transparency to everyone that's involved in your restaurant operations (vendors, suppliers, staff, etc.)

  • Use the latest technological trends to assist with the further advancement of your restaurant business.


If you believe this course could help you..

Hurry! Grab the Early Bird Price TODAY!

A short video summary...